“Being a part of CitRes-Edu Exchange Program 2021 in NTNU was my pride and memorable moment. I never thought before that I can study in 4 seasons country, especially Norway, which is so far away from Indonesia. I learned so much in the department of geography, NTNU. I took 5 courses which are study about integrated geography including globalization and development, global production network, natural resources management, and landscape planning. As a physical geography student in UGM, that courses give me a ton of new perspective and insight about geography. By that, I can combine the physical and human geography perspective to see the phenomena. In a nutshell, the courses, campus, study resources, and lectur were an A grade for study experience. Besides, Norway with their amazing scenery landscape blow me away and directly learn geography from anything there at the same time. I miss the northern light!”
Yuli Widiyatmoko is a master student in Watershed and Coastal Management, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. He joined one-semester master student exchange to NTNU in Autumn semester of 2021.