“Being part of a fellowship student at NTNU held by CitRes-Edu Project was an amazing experience. In 6 months, I’m not just learning about Norwegian culture. More than that, I became into that culture. I’m learning about their habits, government, language, how they deal with extreme weather, the education system, food, and the environment. At first, of course, it was hard for me to adapt, but being surrounded by a lot of new and great friends from different countries helped me adjust. 

Don’t forget to always check the temperature and weather forecast because like Norwegian people say “there’s no bad weather but just wrong clothes”.  One thing that amazed me about the university and Norway is that you can easily find a place to study with excellent facilities and many sources of books and material for your research. This helps me a lot with my master thesis. During the pandemic the class was held offline with strict protocol, students can easily find free facemask and hand sanitizer in every corner of the campus. The overall knowledge that I got from this program was how Norway as a developed country managed their resources and got out of the natural resource curse which is related with my thesis research.”

Prisela Gloria Tifani was a master student in the Politics and Government, Universitas Gadjah Mada. She joined one-semester master student exchange at NTNU during Autumn semester 2021.