“As part of the PhD student mobility program of CitRes-Edu, I had a two-week fruitful engagement in the Department of Human Geography, NTNU in June 2019. I felt that the academic atmosphere at the campus is in some ways enforcing the students to focus more on the project. During my visiting study, I experienced some academic events which I found inspired some ideas to develop my own PhD research project. Among the events are thesis defence, and the 8th Nordic Geographers Meeting. I also had a series of constructive discussion with the CitRes research team, that always challenged as well as put insight with very critical questions. From the particular team, I learnt a lot about the research methodology, especially on how to delve the idea and make it more operational for research. I also experienced the city of Trondheim, which I felt having many similarities with my hometown in Yogyakarta. It is a very welcoming, open city, which the city is definitely more noiseless. Obviously, I really liked Bakklandet with its oldtown bridge, Ila Fyr lighthouse, and enjoyed walking across the hill where the fort of Kristiansten Festning is located.”
Indah Surya Wardhani is a student in the Doctoral Program in Politics and Governance, Universitas Gadjah Mada / PhD student short mobility to NTNU (June 2019)