“One thing I realized when I live far away, home looks a little different now. When people have their own definition of what ‘home’ means for them, I have my own by aiming that home is a place to come back from travel far away; at the very least what Norway and it’s most common work-life balance environment has taught me that home is a place where you can live mindfully. To be selected as one of The student exchange program with CitRes-Edu by DIKU, Learning most of Norway’s renewable energy and sustainability perspective under The Faculty of Geography at NTNU was helping my research with a beneficial understanding and broadened point of view on natural resource management. Over and above this program, I gained a self-sense of research that could possibly be developed; it was narrowing down what I want and what I look for on my current issue on a Political and Natural Resource perspective. I wish anyone to experience the same for an exceptional opportunity as I had to live the best and learn in Norway.”

Ilham Azhari Lubis was a master student in the Department of International Relations, Universitas Gadjah Mada. He joined one-semester master student exchange at NTNU during Autumn semester 2022.