“My internship at PolGov in Yogyakarta has given me the opportunity to learn more about natural resource governance and the energy transition. It has been an eventful experience that enriched my professional and personal growth. It was a fun process to learn the basics of the Indonesian language, which ended up being very helpful when travelling around in Indonesia. The most invaluable experiences from this internship have been the field trips to Bangka Belitung Islands and Sorowako in Sulawesi. Here, I gained new knowledge on nickel and tin mining, which has developed my understanding of natural resource extraction and governance. The best part of these field trips was all the people I got to meet and speak with. Meeting the diversity of actors connected to the mining sector in different places has given me many new insights. Being an intern at PolGov gives the opportunity to take part in different tasks which are all contributing to developing your skillset, which I am grateful for. The educational insights of a semester in Indonesia combined with all the cultural experiences makes it a great place for an exchange period.”

Ida Celine Stuenes is a student in MSc Globalization and Sustainable Development, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. She joined the internship program at Research Centre for Politics and Government at UGM (August-December 2023).