“Being in Norway for almost 150 days is an opportunity and a iluminating moment to open my perspective on knowledge and international society. The first thing that made me grateful in Norway was that I came to study at one of the most prestigious universities in Europe, namely Norges technical-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU).
Even though I enrolled at the social geography faculty, I felt how engineering and tech-base disciplines are very embedded in this campus environment. I slowly opened my horizons about the practical and technical concepts due to so many of my friends were learning about it. More than that, many of my international friends were very kind on teaching me several concepts and application uses that could be useful for improving my abilities.
Not just studying, an interesting experience that I had while in Norway was that I tried to work part time as a porter for a “moving company”. This opportunity made me more familiar with the Norwegian working culture which prioritizes safety, simplicity and balance. My supervisor always pays attention to work time and ensures that no one works beyond the time limit. Here I started to find the formula for work-life balance, namely working optimally in the time provided.
Finally, living in Norway for 5 months will automatically form your body and mind to love the environment and wild nature more and more.”
Hadit Fikri Falah is a student of the Master of International Relations – Digital Transformation and Competitiveness program in Universitas Gadjah Mada. He joined one-semester master student exchange at NTNU during Autumn semester 2023.