The CitRes research group aims to examine how transparency, group identity, and power are used in the construction of ‘resources’ and in the formation of political subjects within the context of the extraction and governance of natural resources.

In particular, the project aims to develop research that provides insight into how identities, narratives, symbols, and practices are mobilized and exploited in the process of acquiring local control over valuable natural resources and their revenues. The focus is on the material and discursive struggles over access, control, and meanings of resources, resource revenues, spaces, and landscapes and how these relate to the formation of ‘agency’ through the making of citizenship.

A central element is to incorporate a cross scalar notion of power and relationality that expand conventional metric notions of space to examine;

  • how global political initiatives, such as initiatives for increased openness in extractive sector management, influence local development
  • the complex relations between the global economy and local societal development in locations of valuable natural resources
  • the dynamic between transnational resource governance and local participation in sustainable development
  • how do policies for green transition into a low-carbon society have implications for local participation, planning and democracy

CitRes is organized as a network of researchers and PhD candidates from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and University of Oulu – (OiU). The network develops and coordinates CitRes relevant joint projects and other research-related activities which include researchers and/or students from at least two of the three institutions.

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